Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.

5 Recipes to Try This Week

Ivisit my kitchen, on average, 54 times a day. I’m always looking for something to do, which is to say something to make. I gaze into the pantry, staring at ingredients like they’re parts to a jigsaw puzzle until the bigger picture starts to take form. Suddenly I can make out cakes, sandwich combinations, pasta dishes, and savory flatbreads. What I’ve learned is that you there’s always something to whip up with what’s lingering in the pantry.

The internet may have already illuminated the miracle that is 2-ingredient pancakes (banana and flour) to you. But you can always bake a full blown chocolate cake absent of eggs, butter and milk! You can make flatbread without yeast. You can throw together a versatile basic dough to use for Tarte Tatin or flatbread pizzas! If you, like me, are looking for a new baking or cooking project that doesn’t require a scavenger hunt for yeast, we’ve rounded up these recipes from our blog for inspiration.


Jodi’s grandmother whipped up Wacky Cake, and now Jodi does too. This cake doesn’t require eggs, milk, or butter – meaning you don’t even have to open your fridge to get chocolate cake on the table in under an hour.


No yeast required here. All this takes is flour, baking powder, water and salt. A delicious bread to enjoy with you morning eggs.


If you’d rather not turn your oven on, this recipe is a stove top champion. All you need are seeds, honey and a pinch of salt!


Don’t have any quince on hand? Who does! Use apples or pears instead. This recipe only requires one egg and a stick of butter.


Per Vermont’s standards, it’s warm enough to grill. This Backyard Naan recipe is from the archive, published about 11 years ago! It does require a packet of yeast, but if you have it on hand, we recommend giving this garlicky flatbread a go.